
The Sprint


The Sprint is a timed run over a distance of ten metres along a walled track. The shortest timed run will be the winner.

This event is not as simple as it first looks and will need a little thought. It has yet to be proved whether light weight or heavy weight machines are best for this. Certainly rapid acceleration and speed are required, but this has to be sustained over a ten metre track and this should be thought about in the design of your mechathlete's gear box.

Your mechathlete has also to run down a walled track. The walls are there to ensure that you do not have to worry about how to keep your machine going in a straight line, but a mechathlete that rubs up against the track side all the time is going to be slowed down by the friction, so you must design into it some way of minimising this.

Sprint Track

weight lifting, hill climbing, shot putting, long jumping

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