
The Hill Climb


The Hill Climb requires the mechathlete to climb a hill which is steadily increasing in steepness. The winner will be the one to climb the highest up the hill before stopping.

There are two basic ways that this can be achieved, fast and slow. You can either decide to let your mechathlete have a run at the hill and travelling as fast as it can go, see how far up the hill its momentum will take it - this would be suitable for light weight machines - or, you can make your mechathlete take its time by slowing the motor down as much as possible, take advantage of the increased torque and crawl up the hill - this would be suitable for heavier machines with good road grip.

As you can see from the pictures eventually your mechathlete is going to stop or fall over backwards, so it is important in your planning that you allow for this so that your machine is not damaged.


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